From the Flatlands

From the small town of Dunston Manitoba.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Items from Craig Kellum

Here is what the phone conversation notes were after talking with Craig Kellum:

1. What is the idea?
2. Sell the story to the audience.
3. What is the logic that can sell the story to the audience?

Learn to do what you don't do best!

1. The biggest problem is to create credibility within the reality that is created.
2. The story needs to work.
3. Story must proceed in an orderly, cogent way.

Russ's script worked conceptually, but not internally. Viscerally.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Funny circle

A class is doing flash movies, the characters are circles.

Teacher tries to help one girl with sound. He tells her to try a different program. She says "Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?"

The teacher says " That's a no win question."

I says, "I just heard that 6 times in the last 2 days from 3 of my 4 daughters. "

The girl shakes her head like, "You don't get it, so don't bug me." or "You're pathetic."

The boy beside her needed help with running flash. Teacher says, " You're clicking around like a rat in a maze, trying to find your way out. "

The boy is laughing and nods his head. I laughed and said, "The teacher is sharp like a tack today."

The teacher says, "Like a razor. That's what. Like a razor." Turns to the boy, "Am I right." He is hamming things up a little. Turns to the girl. "Am I right?"

Without looking up she says, "Are you kidding me?" Shakes her head without looking at him.
"Are you kidding me?"

The class dissolved into laughter.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Michael Moorcock Lives !!

"What happened to fantasy for me is what also happened to rock and roll. It found a common denominator for making maximum money. As a result, it lost its tensions, its anger, its edginess and turned into one big cup of cocoa." - Michael Moorcock

I thought he was dead.

Fight Globalism -> Globally Globalizm Globalixm Axiom

Freedom from Efficiency !!

March 17 -> Leprechaun Day

Link to Steam Powered Airplane

More about Besler Steam Engine here.